Havdallah in the Heritage House

June Update!

Shalom Everyone,

With your support and encouragement, we are continuing to do amazing things this summer at the Jerusalem Heritage House! Possibly the two biggest challenges facing the Jewish people today are creating strong Jewish personal identity among our youth and combating the global anti-Israel/BDS bias.

May Update!

Shalom Everyone,
We had an AMAZING Shavuos holiday at the Jerusalem Heritage House. Packed house with “lone soldiers” and Birthright Israel extenders, various Jewish educational opportunities throughout the Old City, festive dairy meal, and prayers at the Kotel HaKatan (the “Little Western Wall).

January Update!

We have had an AMAZING Birthright season, hosting tons and tons of guests! Giving constant tours, classes and advice (beds, food, HEAT, and clean laundry) to so many that stuck around to see more of what Israel and Judaism have to offer. At the same time, we did not neglect our dear “lone soldiers” and our various projects to strengthen the Jewish Presence in the Land of Israel. Whether it was raining, snowing or sunny – we made every day count!

Guests Tour the Old City!

Rabbi Ben Packer Give his free “off the beaten path” tour of the Old City of Jerusalem. The tour takes guests to places Birthright does not go. To sponsor a tour and support us please Donate Here [image target=”_self” action=”fancybox” image_action_link=”http://” fancybox_group=”old” show_border=”1″ align=”none” width=”600″ height=”400″ image_alt=”Jerusalem Heritage House Guests Look out over the old…