Shalom Everyone,
We had an AMAZING Shavuos holiday at the Jerusalem Heritage House. Packed house with “lone soldiers” and Birthright Israel extenders, various Jewish educational opportunities throughout the Old City, festive dairy meal, and prayers at the Kotel HaKatan (the “Little Western Wall).
Here is more of what has happened since the last update! Sorry we’re too busy with Birthright guests to write more.
Celebrated Yom Yerushalayim

Yom Yerushalayim Heritage House guys with Baruch Marzel of Hebron
Old City Tour

Heritage House guests go on Tour of the Old City
Donated new prayer books to the Jewish Community of “Sde Boaz” in Gush Etzion. Thanks to Mr. Alec Rubenstein for sponsoring.

Donated new prayer books to the Jewish Community of “Sde Boaz” in Gush Etzion.
Mazel tov to Meir ben Alexander, former “lone soldier” and long time resident, on his engagement to Shlomit Bondarchuk!

Heritage House guest and lone Soldier Meir Ben Alexander and Shlomit Engagement
Sent some of our “lone soldiers” to a professional basketball game in Jerusalem – sponsored by “Yashar LaChayal”

Heritage House “lone soldiers” went to a professional basketball game in Jerusalem
Meeting Birthright Israel groups in the Old City!

Heritage House director Meeting Birthright Israel groups in the Old City!
Our previously secret mission is now able to be made public. We actively participated in the entrance and renovation of a property purchased by Jewish investors that was previously owned by Christian Arabs in the Gush Etzion area.

Heritage House working in the secret mission.
Kol HaKavod to our friend Arieh King on this tremendous accomplishment!
Read the news article here

Heritage House Guys help get the place ready

Heritage House at the Christian Compound Baught by Jews in Judea
Help us continue to make this summer the most inspirational experience young Jews from all over the world could ever dream of! Your support allows us to do all that we are doing!

Help Us Make a Difference! Donate to the Heritage House!
Thanks from
the Old City of Jerusalem,
Rabbi Ben Packer
Jerusalem Heritage House