Awesome success today in Hevron and Jerusalem! Strengthening the Jewish Presence!! Before After! We got there!!! Another room is now accessible! New Jewish books on the shelf! Leveling the floor in the Old City of Jerusalem! The floor is level and the bags are full of debris. Categories: Blog, Hebron Projects, News, Restoring, SERVICE PROJECTSBy Jerusalem Heritage HouseNovember 30, 2016Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:Apartment being renovated in the “muslim quarter” near the Lions Gate!NextNext post:In Neve Tzuf and Amona today!Related postsThis Week Today – 4 December 2019December 4, 2019Weekly Update #3July 12, 2018Weekly update #2July 5, 2018Strengthening the Jewish Presence near Jericho!March 22, 2018