New Jewish library installed in the ancient synagogue in Hevron today! Complete Shas, Shulchan Aruch, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, Mikros Gedolos, Mishneh Torah, Mishneh Berurah (multiple sets) and Ramban on the Torah Part of the crew that made it happen! Putting it together More construction Explanation of the Graves of Ruth and Yishai. Telling the story of the restoration of the ancient synagogue Putting the books on the shelves Praying the mincha afternoon service in the ancient synagogue Outside the Tomb of the Patriarchs Categories: Donating!, Hebron Projects, Hevron, News, SERVICE PROJECTS, The House, TOURSBy Jerusalem Heritage HouseJune 27, 2017Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:all cleaned out!NextNext post:Always winning in Hevron!Related postsThis Week Today – 4 December 2019December 4, 2019Weekly Update #3July 12, 2018Weekly update #2July 5, 2018Strengthening the Jewish Presence near Jericho!March 22, 2018