[title type=”h1″ font_size=”” font_family=”none” line_height=”” bottom_indent=”” align=”center”]Shalom Everyone! Its Birthright Season![/title]
[image target=”_self” action=”fancybox” image_action_link=”http://” fancybox_group=”u” show_border=”1″ align=”right” width=”300″ height=”200″ image_alt=”Rabbi Ben Packer, Director of the Heritage House gave a tour of the Old City to a group of “Israel 2.0″ Participants” link_title=”Rabbi Ben Packer, Director of the Heritage House gave a tour of the Old City to a group of “Israel 2.0″ Participants” margin_top=”5″ margin_right=”5″ margin_bottom=”5″ margin_left=”5″]https://heritagehouse.org.il/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/update/israel2,0.jpg[/image]
Its a very, very busy time in the Old City of Jerusalem these days, with thousands of Jewish students and young Jewish professionals making their way through the streets and pathways on Birthright Israel and other organized programs in search of Jewish connection and identity.
[image target=”_self” action=”fancybox” image_action_link=”http://” fancybox_group=”u” show_border=”1″ align=”left” width=”200″ height=”200″ image_alt=”Every Jew needs to see these places – young and slightly not as young! Rabbi Ben Packer Director of the Heritage House. Heritage House provides free tours to all.” link_title=”Every Jew needs to see these places – young and slightly not as young! Rabbi Ben Packer Director of the Heritage House. Heritage House provides free tours to all.” margin_top=”” margin_right=”5″ margin_bottom=”” margin_left=”5″]https://heritagehouse.org.il/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/update/packertourLadies.jpg[/image]
We have received official permission to be out in the main square of the Jewish Quarter with a table of literature. We are advertising a vast variety of opportunities for them to connect to their Jewish Heritage!
[title type=”h2″ font_size=”” font_family=”Arimo” line_height=”” bottom_indent=”” align=”center”]Some of our “lone soldiers” and guests celebrate Israel’s 66th birthday with a BBQ on the roof of the House.[/title][image target=”_self” action=”fancybox” image_action_link=”http://” fancybox_group=”u” show_border=”1″ align=”none” width=”600″ height=”400″ image_alt=”Some of Heritage House “lone soldiers” and Heritage House guests celebrate Israel’s 66th birthday with a BBQ on the roof of the Heritage House.” link_title=”Some of Heritage House “lone soldiers” and Heritage House guests celebrate Israel’s 66th birthday with a BBQ on the roof of the Heritage House.” margin_top=”” margin_right=”5″ margin_bottom=”” margin_left=”5″]https://heritagehouse.org.il/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/IMG_19241.jpg[/image]
[title type=”h1″ font_size=”” font_family=”Arimo” line_height=”” bottom_indent=”” align=”center”]We will be embarking on a very ambitious initiative towards our overall restoration project in Hebron![/title]
[image target=”_self” action=”fancybox” image_action_link=”http://” fancybox_group=”u” show_border=”1″ align=”right” width=”361″ height=”301″ image_alt=”Guests donate a Book of Ruth to the traditional site of the graves of Ruth and Yishai (Jesse) in Hevron in memory of Police Commander Baruch Mizrachi” link_title=”Guests donate a Book of Ruth to the traditional site of the graves of Ruth and Yishai (Jesse) in Hevron in memory of Police Commander Baruch Mizrachi” margin_top=”5″ margin_right=”5″ margin_bottom=”5″ margin_left=”5″]https://heritagehouse.org.il/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/update/donating book at kever yishai and rut.jpg[/image]
Guests donate a Book of Ruth to the traditional site of the graves of Ruth and Yishai (Jesse) in Hevron in memory of Police Commander Baruch Mizrachi, who was murdered by Arab terrorists on the eve of Passover. This coming week, we will be embarking on a very ambitious initiative towards our overall restoration project at the site. We will be joined by 40 Jewish college students currently on a trip to Israel. Pictures to come! Please pray for our success and consider sponsoring some of the work (price tag for this phase is $750 Donate Here)
[image target=”_self” action=”fancybox” image_action_link=”http://” fancybox_group=”u” show_border=”1″ align=”none” width=”600″ height=”300″ image_alt=”Guests of the Heritage House go to the Funeral of Police Commander Baruch Mizrachi, who was murdered by Arab terrorists on the eve of Passover.” link_title=”Guests of the Heritage House go to the Funeral of Police Commander Baruch Mizrachi, who was murdered by Arab terrorists on the eve of Passover.” margin_top=”5″ margin_right=”5″ margin_bottom=”5″ margin_left=”5″]https://heritagehouse.org.il/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/update/policeFuneral.jpg[/image]
Guests of the Heritage House go to the Funeral of Police Commander Baruch Mizrachi, who was murdered by Arab terrorists on the eve of Passover.
[title type=”h1″ font_size=”” font_family=”Arimo” line_height=”” bottom_indent=”” align=”center”]Providing Jewish Experience no one else can![/title]
[image target=”_self” action=”fancybox” image_action_link=”http://” fancybox_group=”u” show_border=”1″ align=”left” width=”300″ height=”200″ image_alt=”Heritage House Guests write a letter in a Torah Scroll” link_title=”Heritage House Guests write a letter in a Torah Scroll” margin_top=”5″ margin_right=”5″ margin_bottom=”5″ margin_left=”5″]https://heritagehouse.org.il/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/update/sefertorah.jpg[/image]
Our guests were able to write a letter in an authentic Torah Scroll and attend the ceremony and festive meal celebrating the completion of the writing of 19 new Torah Scrolls!! Special thanks to Rav Aharon Bina and Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh.
[title type=”h1″ font_size=”” font_family=”Arimo” line_height=”” bottom_indent=”” align=”center”]Mazel Tov to some of our “lone soldiers” who are completing their service![/title]
[image target=”_self” action=”fancybox” image_action_link=”http://” fancybox_group=”u” show_border=”1″ align=”none” width=”600″ height=”175″ image_alt=”Mazel Tov to some of our “lone soldiers” who are completing their service! Stephen Segal (Givati), Josh Ingber (Golani), Ryan Greiss (Golani), Leigh Baker (Nachal), Jonathan Leibovits (Givati), Asher Lovesky (Paratroopers/Tzanchanim), Teddy Feldsher (Golani),” link_title=”Mazel Tov to some of our “lone soldiers” who are completing their service! Stephen Segal (Givati), Josh Ingber (Golani), Ryan Greiss (Golani), Leigh Baker (Nachal), Jonathan Leibovits (Givati), Asher Lovesky (Paratroopers/Tzanchanim), Teddy Feldsher (Golani),” margin_top=”5″ margin_right=”5″ margin_bottom=”5″ margin_left=”5″]https://heritagehouse.org.il/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/update/Soldiers2.jpg[/image] Stephen Segal (Givati), Josh Ingber (Golani), Ryan Greiss (Golani), Leigh Baker (Nachal), Jonathan Leibovits (Givati), Asher Lovesky (Paratroopers/Tzanchanim), Teddy Feldsher (Golani),
[title type=”h1″ font_size=”” font_family=”Arimo” line_height=”” bottom_indent=”” align=”center”]Thank you so much to all those supporting our work[/title]
Very happy to be back in Israel after a successful fundraising trip to New York and Toronto! Thank you so much to all those supporting our work with Jewish students, travelers and “lone soldiers” in the holy Old City of Jerusalem and special thanks to the Kalatsky, Hoffman and Nemetz families for hosting me while I was there!
[title type=”h1″ font_size=”” font_family=”Arimo” line_height=”” bottom_indent=”” align=”center”]With the very busy summer season in full-swing, support of our activities becomes even more crucial! Please consider donating and/or becoming a monthly contributor![/title]
[image target=”_self” action=”link” image_action_link=”http://www.heritagehouse.org/donate/sponsor-an-event/” fancybox_group=”u” show_border=”0″ align=”center” width=”363″ height=”237″ image_alt=”Click here to Sponsor an Event” link_title=”Click here to Sponsor an Event” margin_top=”” margin_right=”” margin_bottom=”” margin_left=”84″]https://heritagehouse.org.il/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/update/foodThirdMeal.jpg[/image]
Click here to Sponsor an Event
[image target=”_self” action=”fancybox” image_action_link=”http://” fancybox_group=”u” show_border=”1″ align=”right” width=”250″ height=”300″ image_alt=”Rabbi Ben Packer, Director of the Heritage House, and Jay Leno” link_title=”Rabbi Ben Packer, Director of the Heritage House, and Jay Leno” margin_top=”5″ margin_right=”5″ margin_bottom=”5″ margin_left=”5″]https://heritagehouse.org.il/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/update/packerAndLeno.jpg[/image]
Thanks so much!
Rabbi Ben Packer
Jerusalem Heritage House