Jerusalem Heritage House guests go to Hebron on succot for a day of touring. the entire Tomb of the patriarchs are open, only open for 10 days a year this day was one of them. music by famous artist and food entertainment. Jerusalem Heritage House takes our guests to fun events happening around Israel.
[image target=”_self” action=”fancybox” image_action_link=”http://” fancybox_group=”2″ show_border=”0″ align=”none” width=”600″ height=”560″ image_alt=”Rabbi Ben Packer Director of Heritage House and Heritage House Guests and friends of the Heritage House, Take a tour of Hebron starting with a picture in front of the Tomb of the Patriarchs.” link_title=”Rabbi Ben Packer Director of Heritage House and Heritage House Guests and friends of the Heritage House, Take a tour of Hebron starting with a picture in front of the Tomb of the Patriarchs.” margin_top=”” margin_right=”” margin_bottom=”” margin_left=””][/image]
Rabbi Ben Packer Director of Heritage House and Heritage House Guests and friends of the Heritage House, Take a tour of Hebron starting with a picture in front of the Tomb of the Patriarchs.
[image target=”_self” action=”fancybox” image_action_link=”http://” fancybox_group=”2″ show_border=”0″ align=”none” width=”600″ height=”450″ image_alt=”” link_title=”” margin_top=”” margin_right=”” margin_bottom=”” margin_left=””][/image]
Rabbi Ben Packer, Director of the Jerusalem Heritage House giving a free tour to Jerusalem Heritage House guests. Heritage House Guests Touring inside the Tomb of the Patriarchs.
[image target=”_self” action=”fancybox” image_action_link=”http://” fancybox_group=”2″ show_border=”0″ align=”none” width=”600″ height=”450″ image_alt=”Rabbi Ben Packer Director of the Jerusalem Heritage House tells Guests of the Jerusalem Heritage House about the site of the Abraham Synagogue. ” link_title=”Rabbi Ben Packer Director of the Jerusalem Heritage House tells Guests of the Jerusalem Heritage House about the site of the Abraham Synagogue. ” margin_top=”” margin_right=”” margin_bottom=”” margin_left=””][/image]
Rabbi Ben Packer Director of the Jerusalem Heritage House tells Guests of the Jerusalem Heritage House about the site of the Abraham Synagogue.
[image target=”_self” action=”none” image_action_link=”http://” fancybox_group=”” show_border=”0″ align=”none” width=”600″ height=”450″ image_alt=”Rabbi Ben Packer, Director of the Heritage House tells Guests of the Heritage House about this site in Hebron where Jews once lived and were forced to leave first by the violence cause by the Arabs in 1929, and then by the army in the early 2000’s.” link_title=”Rabbi Ben Packer, Director of the Heritage House tells Guests of the Heritage House about this site in Hebron where Jews once lived and were forced to leave first by the violence cause by the Arabs in 1929, and then by the army in the early 2000’s.” margin_top=”” margin_right=”” margin_bottom=”” margin_left=””][/image]
Rabbi Ben Packer, Director of the Heritage House tells Guests of the Heritage House about this site in Hebron where Jews once lived and were forced to leave first by the violence cause by the Arabs in 1929, and then by the army in the early 2000’s.
[image target=”_self” action=”fancybox” image_action_link=”http://” fancybox_group=”2″ show_border=”0″ align=”none” width=”600″ height=”460″ image_alt=”Rabbi Ben Packer, Jerusalem Heritage House Director, tell guests of the Jerusalem Heritage House, about the Hebron Museum and the locations history. ” link_title=”Rabbi Ben Packer, Jerusalem Heritage House Director, tell guests of the Jerusalem Heritage House, about the Hebron Museum and the locations history. ” margin_top=”” margin_right=”” margin_bottom=”” margin_left=””][/image]
Rabbi Ben Packer, Jerusalem Heritage House Director, tell guests of the Jerusalem Heritage House, about the Hebron Museum and the locations history.
[image target=”_self” action=”fancybox” image_action_link=”http://” fancybox_group=”2″ show_border=”0″ align=”none” width=”600″ height=”525″ image_alt=”Rabbi Ben Packer, Jerusalem Heritage House Director, Shows the Guests and friends of the Jerusalem Heritage House the recently excavated ancient synagogue. the excavation was done by Heritage House Guests.” link_title=”Rabbi Ben Packer, Jerusalem Heritage House Director, Shows the Guests and friends of the Jerusalem Heritage House the recently excavated ancient synagogue. the excavation was done by Heritage House Guests.” margin_top=”” margin_right=”” margin_bottom=”” margin_left=””][/image]
Rabbi Ben Packer, Jerusalem Heritage House Director, Shows the Guests and friends of the Jerusalem Heritage House the recently excavated ancient synagogue. the excavation was done by Heritage House Guests.
[image target=”_self” action=”fancybox” image_action_link=”http://” fancybox_group=”2″ show_border=”0″ align=”none” width=”600″ height=”450″ image_alt=”Rabbi Ben Packer, Director of the Jerusalem Heritage House, and Guests of the Heritage House puts up a sign for the recently excavated synagogue in Hebron. excavated by Heritage House Guests over the last year. ” link_title=”Rabbi Ben Packer, Director of the Jerusalem Heritage House, and Guests of the Heritage House puts up a sign for the recently excavated synagogue in Hebron. excavated by Heritage House Guests over the last year. ” margin_top=”” margin_right=”” margin_bottom=”” margin_left=””][/image]
Rabbi Ben Packer, Director of the Jerusalem Heritage House, and Guests of the Heritage House puts up a sign for the recently excavated synagogue in Hebron. excavated by Heritage House Guests over the last year.
[image target=”_self” action=”fancybox” image_action_link=”http://” fancybox_group=”2″ show_border=”0″ align=”none” width=”600″ height=”495″ image_alt=”Rabbi Ben Packer, Heritage House Director, and guests putting up the sign for the Heritage House excavated Ancient Synagogue. ” link_title=”Rabbi Ben Packer, Heritage House Director, and guests putting up the sign for the Heritage House excavated Ancient Synagogue. ” margin_top=”” margin_right=”” margin_bottom=”” margin_left=””][/image]
Rabbi Ben Packer, Heritage House Director, and guests putting up the sign for the Heritage House excavated Ancient Synagogue.
[image target=”_self” action=”none” image_action_link=”http://” fancybox_group=”” show_border=”1″ align=”none” width=”600″ height=”534″ image_alt=”Jerusalem Heritage House close up of the sign for the Jerusalem Heritage House excavated synagogue. ” link_title=”Jerusalem Heritage House close up of the sign for the Jerusalem Heritage House excavated synagogue. ” margin_top=”” margin_right=”” margin_bottom=”” margin_left=””][/image]
Jerusalem Heritage House close up of the sign for the Jerusalem Heritage House excavated synagogue.
[image target=”_self” action=”fancybox” image_action_link=”http://” fancybox_group=”2″ show_border=”0″ align=”none” width=”600″ height=”470″ image_alt=”the Synagogue excavated by the Jerusalem Heritage House with the sign. ” link_title=”the Synagogue excavated by the Jerusalem Heritage House with the sign. ” margin_top=”” margin_right=”” margin_bottom=”” margin_left=””][/image]
the Synagogue excavated by the Jerusalem Heritage House with the sign.
[image target=”_self” action=”fancybox” image_action_link=”http://” fancybox_group=”2″ show_border=”0″ align=”none” width=”600″ height=”450″ image_alt=”Rabbi Ben Packer, Jerusalem Heritage House Director, Donating an Artscroll Chumash from Asher David Milstein in memory of the soldier, Gal Kobi hy’d, who was recently killed in the area, to the active synagogue next to the tombs of Yishai and Ruth.” link_title=”Rabbi Ben Packer, Jerusalem Heritage House Director, Donating an Artscroll Chumash from Asher David Milstein in memory of the soldier, Gal Kobi hy’d, who was recently killed in the area, to the active synagogue next to the tombs of Yishai and Ruth.” margin_top=”” margin_right=”” margin_bottom=”” margin_left=””][/image]
Rabbi Ben Packer, Jerusalem Heritage House Director, Donating an Artscroll Chumash from Asher David Milstein in memory of the soldier, Gal Kobi hy’d, who was recently killed in the area, to the active synagogue next to the tombs of Yishai and Ruth.
The Jerusalem Heritage House provides free accommodations in the old city of Jerusalem and gives free tours all over Israel, all for free. please support our efforts and Donate here