Had an Amazing Shabbos! with Birthright Israel extenders and extenders from other programs, as well as random Jewish travelers and “lone soldiers” – the Heritage House was packed with mattresses on the roof and throughout the heritage house. Heres a picture from the end of third meal at the Heritage House, Help us continue hosting these guests by donating Here: www.hertiagehouse.org.il/donate
[image target=”_self” action=”fancybox” image_action_link=”http://” fancybox_group=”y” show_border=”1″ align=”none” width=”600″ height=”400″ image_alt=”Heres a picture from the end of third meal at the Heritage House” link_title=”Heres a picture from the end of third meal at the Heritage House” margin_top=”” margin_right=”” margin_bottom=”” margin_left=””]https://heritagehouse.org.il/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/ThirdMeal.jpg[/image]